Joyce Li, M.Sc.

Every day, across the country, PREVNet researchers work on projects that help us understand bullying, how to prevent it, and how to promote healthy peer relationships.

Here are four of our experts who've appeared in the media recently, talking about different ways to prevent bullying, promote healthy relationships, and increase youth wellbeing.

- PREVNet's Director of Knowledge Mobilization Dr. Joanne Cummings and Brock University's Dr. Tony Volk spoke with Today's Parent about ways to rebuild a child's self-esteem after they've experienced bullying. “Genuine self-esteem comes from developing skills and competencies that are noticed and validated by people who are important to you,” Dr. Cummings advises.

- University of Guelph's Dr. Ryan Broll authored a Toronto Star op-ed on why education is the best way to address revenge porn. Dr. Broll writes that there is little research to suggest that litigation is an effective way to reduce the practice of posting revenge porn. Rather, "the most promising approach to deter revenge porn is to teach young people healthy relationship skills that pertain to on- and offline environments, and to educate youth about the importance of cyber-safety."

- Professor Wayne MacKay of Dalhousie University was interviewed on CBC's Information Morning about ways to improve the response to bullying in Nova Scotia. "Prevention is the way to go here," he says, highlighting the need to record data and invest in supports for students.

- Memorial University's Dr. Dorothy Vaandering was featured in an Edmonton Journal article on using restorative justice practices -- rather than harsher disciplinary practices -- in school, to build relationships and improve student wellbeing. "Suspensions and expulsions often aggravate the things the student is crying out for", while restorative justice practices allow them to repair and rebuild, Dr. Vaandering says.