Help! I’m being bullied at school...

Lavina Sadhwani, MEdBefore getting into this blog I want to emphasize that bullying is *not* a rite of passage nor should it be normalized. Bullying is a form is aggression directed towards another and it is harmful.A school is meant to be a place where students can obtain knowledge, engage in team-building activities and feel safe. But when students bully and bystanders watch attentively, it can be traumatic for those who are victimized.

Relationships Matter

Can we ever stress enough that healthy relationships are important? Important to children, important to youth, to adults, to the elderly, to neighbourhoods, communities and organizations, companies, governments and countries. As researchers who invest countless hours into the subject, we know this to be fact. Most people probably give the notion little thought unless they find themselves in an unhealthy relationship.
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